Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dari Mimbar Masjid Tabung Haji KL, Juma’at 7 Oktober, 2011

Khatib kali ini seorang yang belum saya berkesempatan mendengar khutbahnya sebelum ini. Mimbar minggu ini menonjolkan tajuk ”Permata Hati” sebagai khutbah yang begitu bermakna dalam kedaan dan suasana keseluruhan keluarga Islam dinegara kita ini. Setelah menjadi ibu dan bapa ”permata hati” adalah idaman semua......tetapi menurut khatib ibu/bapa semestinyalah memahami serta menghayati peranan mereka supaya permata2 hati mereka tergulung kepada insan2 yang beriman dan bertaqwa.

Dalam kontek ini, Khatib menggariskan empat pasa yang perlu diharungi dalam mendampingi penghijrahan permata2 hati mereka: pertama....dari saat dilahirkan hingga usia 6 tahun diulit dan dimanjakan; kedua....dari usia 6 tahun hingga akil balig 14 tahun disemaikan dengan keperluan ugama; ketiga...selepas 14 tahun hingga 21 tahun terus menimba ilmu akhirat dan duniawi didampingi oleh ibu bapa mencari jawapan kepada segala kemuskilan permata hati...jelasnya ada komunakasi dan keempat....selepas 21 tahun sudah mula berdikari tapi masih  jangan dilepas bebas tanpa diambil peduli.

Khatib juga menyandar kan hujah2 nya dengan ayat2 alquran seperti berikut:

 يَا بُنَيَّ أَقِمِ الصَّلَاةَ وَأْمُرْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ وَانْهَ عَنِ الْمُنكَرِ وَاصْبِرْ عَلَىٰ مَا أَصَابَكَ ۖ إِنَّ ذَٰلِكَ مِنْ عَزْمِ الْأُمُورِ ﴿١٧ وَلَا تُصَعِّرْ خَدَّكَ لِلنَّاسِ وَلَا تَمْشِ فِي الْأَرْضِ مَرَحًا ۖ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَا يُحِبُّ كُلَّ مُخْتَالٍ فَخُورٍ ﴿١٨

Maksudnya: "Wahai anak kesayanganku, dirikanlah sembahyang, dan suruhlah berbuat kebaikan, serta laranglah daripada melakukan perbuatan yang mungkar, dan bersabarlah atas segala bala bencana yang menimpamu. Sesungguhnya yang demikian itu adalah dari perkara-perkara yang dikehendaki diambil berat melakukannya.”
"Dan janganlah engkau memalingkan mukamu (kerana memandang rendah) kepada manusia, dan janganlah engkau berjalan di bumi dengan berlagak sombong; sesungguhnya Allah tidak suka kepada tiap-tiap orang yang sombong takbur, lagi membanggakan diri.” (al luqman ayat 17-18)
Dan satu lagi ayat:
 وَالَّذِينَ يَقُولُونَ رَبَّنَا هَبْ لَنَا مِنْ أَزْوَاجِنَا وَذُرِّيَّاتِنَا قُرَّةَ أَعْيُنٍ وَاجْعَلْنَا لِلْمُتَّقِينَ إِمَامًا ﴿٧٤
Maksudnya: Dan juga mereka (yang diredhai Allah itu ialah orang-orang) yang berdoa dengan berkata: "Wahai Tuhan kami, berilah kami beroleh dari isteri-isteri dan zuriat keturunan kami: perkara-perkara yang menyukakan hati melihatnya, dan jadikanlah kami imam ikutan bagi orang-orang yang (mahu) bertaqwa.” (Al Furqan ayat 74)

Sama2 kita mengambil iktibar dan menghayati intisari khutabah Juma’at ini

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Here we are again!!!!

Another mother of deception in the making in the form of a sex video invented by moniker Dato T (or more apt as Monkies). This dirty political charade is really a big joke that is even better than the three stooges. It rendered me standing in utter perplexity at how the power that be reacted to this political circus or madness if you will. Basically I am most perturb with the comments made by the nations number one policeman as it appear in the Star today (

about why the video showing by Dato T was never acted upon by the police. Imagine the IGP when asked of this missing action replied,” what offence (did they commit), you tell me?’ I just put down the newspaper but picked it up again and went over the remark the second time to make sure that I do not miss what was actually printed. All I can say is what bull shits is he talking about when his men were known to harass those peddling pornographic CDs and arresting people viewing such CDs followed by a press conference where the responsible officers rattle off the offence committed and dealt with under which penal code?

All told the ball is at Najib’s feet. He should put a stop to this if he still wants to remain at the helm. But the big Q is as the cliché goes: “has he got the balls to do it?”

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Is it the system or the people that run the system???

The brouhaha on traffic summons is here again. One early report appeared in the Star Wednesday December 1, 2010
It just seemed that traffic summons that your names and particulars are imprinted just surfaced to haunt you years after it was allegedly committed. The case in point is my having to settle for a half year entitlement of my car road tax this year because I’ve got 4 summonses unsettled between April 2008 and 2010. Yet I was able to renew my road tax for 08/09/10 without any hitch. Why the hack doesn’t I have these summonses posted so that I can settle it? And that’s not all when my daughter check online using my ic number as reference….guess what….yes I’ve 2 more summonses unsettled. In this instance I have two summonses committed in the early 2001 and 2003!!!! What a bloody sham!!!

Not so much on the system but more on the people running the system at JPJ, PDRM and who else sama saja. Rakyat didulukan …..what bullshits!!!!!!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Menghalang Pengaroh Paderi Melayu!!!

Sdr Kamal Mohd ada menanjurkan kepada beberapa teman AM memberi komen tentang posting Rafidah Ariffin mengenai Padri Melayu tapi bila saya berpeluang nak beri sedikit komen  ini yang tinggal..."This post has been removed or could not be loaded." Walau apa pun sebab dah ditulis saya pos aja kat sini untuk dikongsi.

Isu ini telah disalurkan pada saya melaluai emel 3 /4  tahun lalu...dan saya bukan seorang asatizah bertauliah nak memberi komentar. Kalau ada yang lebih arif jangan segan menegur dan membetulkan persepsi saya ini.
 Soal mengapa ada diantara kita terpedaya dengan diayah seumpama ini yang melibatkan aqidah mungkin dapat diselami puncanya antara lain, saya ulangi antara lain berpunca dari kurang didikan dan panduan ibubapa. Unsur didikan dan panduan ibubapa ini seperti isi dengan kuku untuk membentuk pribadi anak2 sebelum baliq dan menuju usia remaja seterusnya memperkayakan diri dengan tuntutan akhirat disamping menempa kejayaan dan kesejahteraan duniawi mereka. Zaman selepas merdeka mulalah keabyakan ibubapa mempunyai kerjaya masing2 dan melepaskan tanggungjawab untuk menyemai benih keimanan dan ketaqwaan kepada orang lain.
Jelas iman dan taqwa berperanan mengekakalkan kita dalam Islam, bagaimana dijelaskan dalam Firman Allah s.w.t. :

يَأ َيـُّهَا الـَّذِيْنَ آمَنـُوْا اتـَّقـُوْا اللهَ حـَقَّ تـُّقـَاتِهِ, وَلَا تـَمُوْتـُنَّ إِلَّا وَأ َنـْتـُمْ مُسْلـِمُوْن َ. وَاعْتـَصِمُوْا بِحَبـْلِ اللهِ جـَمِيـْعًا وَلَا تـَفـَرَّقـُوْا, وَاذ ْكـُرُوا نِعـْمَتَ اللهِ عـَلـَيـِكـُمْ إِذ ْ كـُنـْتـُمْ أ َعـْدَاءَ فـَأ َلفَ بـَيـْنَ قـُلـُوْبِكـُمْ فـَأ َصِبَحـْتـُمْ بِنـِعْمَتـِهِ إِخْوَانـًا, وَكـُـنـْتـُمْ عـَلىَ شـَفـَا حـُفـْرَةٍ مِنَ النـِّارِ فـَأ َنـْقـَذ َكـُمْ مِنـْهـَا, كـَذ َلـِكَ يـُبـَيـِّنُ اللهُ لـَكُمْ آيـَاتِهِ لـَعـَلـَّكـُمْ تـَهـْتد ُوْنَ. وَلـْتَكـُنْ مِنـْكـُمْ أ ُمَّة ٌ يـَدْعـُوْنَ إِلىَ الـْخَيـْرِ, وَيَأ ْمـُرُوْن َ بِالـْمـَعْرُوْفِ, وَيـَنـْهَوْنَ عـَنِ الـْمُنـْكـَرِ, وَأ ُوْلـَءِـكَ هُمُ الـْمُفْـلِحُونَ.  وَلَاتـَكُوْنـُوْا كـَالـَّذِيْنَ تـَفـَرَّقـُوْا وَاخْتـَلـَفـُوْا مِنْ بِعـْدِ مَا جَاءَهـُمُ الـْبـَيـِّنَاتُ, وَأ ُوْلـَـءِـكَ لـَهُمْ عـَذَابٌ عـَظِيْم ٌ.

 ( آل عمران 105-102)


“Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Bertaqwalah kamu kepada Allah, seungguh taqwa. Dan janganlah sampaikamu mati,melainkan dalam Islam yang sebenarnya.  Berpegang teguhlah kamu dengan tali Allah dan janganlah berpecah belah, ingatlah kurnia Allah atas kamu, ketika kamu dahulu beremusuh-musuhan,lalu di perteguhkannya hatikamu (dalam agama Allah, ingatlah kurnia Allah atas mu, sehingga dengan kurnia Allah itu,kamu menjadi bersaudara. 

Kamu dahulu berada ditepi lubang nderaka, lalu diselamatkan kamu daripadanya.  Begitu Allah menjelaskan keterangan-keterangannya kepada kamu supaya kamu menuruti jalan yang benar. Adakah di antara kamu umat yang mengajak kepada kebajikan, penyuruh mengerjakan yang benar dan melarang dari membuat yang salah, mereka itulah orang-orang yang beruntung.  Dan janganlah kamu menjadi serupa dengan  orang-oranmg yang telah beerprecah belah dan berseliaseh faham  sesudah datang kepadanya bunti-bukti yang terang.  Mereka itulah orang-orang yang akan memperoleh siksa yang dahsyat.

Surah Ali-Imran ayat 102-105)......... Wal’Allahhu Wa’alam

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Mother of All Corruption?

It would appear that BIJAN is misusing his power as th PM in this do or die effort to win the Hulu Selangor by election. The action as it appeared in the Star reproduced below certainly went beyond the "I hugged an old lady; sit on a dirty mats to talk and give my best smile to another lady or dirty my hands flipping roti canai" routine in a by election campign. In just one sun up BIJAN resolved the problem of the settlers 15 years waiting.
The Star, Saturday April 24, 2010

BN wins and Sg Buaya Felda settlers benefit

KUALA KUBU BARU: The former Felda Sungai Buaya settlers became the beneficiaries of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s “People First, Performance Now” slogan.
The 363 settlers of the former Felda scheme or their representatives, who were supposed to have received a windfall from a move by a private company to develop the area, were given payments totalling RM18.15mil yesterday.
The settlers have been waiting for 15 years for the project developer to pay them the balance of the money for the sale of the land. Payment however was not made because the project failed.
In 1993, the settlers formed a company, Murna Jaya Sdn Bhd, to handle the land, which was later transferred to a developer to build a new township. In return, the settlers were promised money and shares.
The development however ran into problems, and many settlers did not receive the money and shares.
Of the original 363 settlers, 276 had died.
The surviving 87 settlers, including seven Indians, received RM50,000 each from Idiqa Holding Sdn Bhd yesterday.
Idiqa Holding’s chairman Datuk Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim, an Umno supreme council member, said his company had acquired the land in question.
A lawyer was engaged to distribute the money to the next-of-kin of the 276 settlers who had died.
Najib said the remaining compensation money would be paid to the settlers at a rate of RM160,000 per acre when the land is developed. A total of 510ha (1,261 acres) is involved.
“The only condition is that Selangor is returned to Barisan to facilitate implementation of the development projects,” he said, during the ceremony at Sungai Buaya.
He said yesterday’s event was important because the settlers had been given a real solution to the long-standing problem.
“The suffering and livelihood pressure all these years ends today,” he said.
Najib said although the settlers were no longer in a Felda scheme, they would still be offered the Islamic insurance scheme for settlers.
“The next-of-kin will receive RM10,000 upon death,” he said.
He said the youth would also be treated like other Felda youth and offered vocational and technical training. “Felda will sponsor them,” he said to the cheers of the youth present.
It was earlier reported that Plus Expressway had pledged to build an RM85mil interchange at Sungai Buaya to connect the development to the North-South Expressway.
The new interchange will cut travel time by 60 to 90 minutes.
Najib said that if Barisan were to be returned to power in Selangor, a Universiti Teknologi Mara campus would be built in Serendah.
So all thinking Malaysian you can draw your own conclusion. My third side of the coin cannot but argued that if this is not corruption then........

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The F1 Outing

Somehow this year edition of Malaysian F1 was better than what we experienced last year. Five of us Ayu and Zam, Rin and Onie and I made up the group. We beat the traffic snarl by coming early to rv at the KLIA police station. We got to the police Sub-Tac Hq by 1230 hrs and our great host treated us to sweets and nasi lemak lunch. After Zam and I had our solat zohor, we were shuttled to our appointed gallery. This time seemed a better seating at the tower to get a good view of the track. Alas! Zam forgot to take along the ear plug bought the previous night. I was in luck using my iPod ear plug as substitute. My particular interest waned once Michael Schumacher was out of the race after 10 laps. Took some pictures of the race. We were out of the SIC by 1800hrs after I paid a call to Pak Zahedi and thanks him for all that he's done for us.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

The Passing of a Police Officer

Oh not another fatal accident and my interest on that became more after reading the name of the victim. The name Mohd Hazam a senior cop rang a bell. My fear that the victim is someone I know was confirmed after I went through a special list of contact person. Yes Mohd Hazam was my student at the Malaysian Armed Forces Defence College in 2004. We met last at a wedding reception of Colonel Abd Latiff at Sungei Besi. I had this photo taken then.
Friday, February 5th, 2010 11:43:00
KUALA LUMPUR: Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department Principal Assistant Director SAC II Mohd Hazam Abd Halim was killed in accident at Km 419.7 of the North-South Expressway in Hulu Selangor last night.
In the incident at midnight, the Proton Perdana car driven by his driver Lance Corporal Asminton Salimin, skidded and hit the rear of a trailer which stopped at the emergency lane due to a breakdown.
Mohd Hazam, 50, was on his way to the national capital from Ipoh, Perak, after attending a meeting of the Perak commercial crime division.
Hulu Selangor OCPD Supt Norel Azmi Affandi Yahya said Mohd Hazam, who was seated in the front seat, died on the spot.
"The driver, who is seriously injured, has been sent to the Sungai Buloh Hospital and admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit," he said.
Meanwhile, Deputy Commercial Crime Department Director Datuk Nooryah Md Anvar, when contacted, said Mohd Hazam's remains would be taken to his home at No 1, Jalan TTJS 3/1C Taman Tunku Jaafar, Seremban and would be buried at the Makam Haji Said, Taman Tunku Jaafar after the Friday prayers.
Mohd Hazam had previously served as the Petaling Jaya OCPD and Terengganu CID chief.